Making money with send earnings

Are you looking for a easy quick way to make some extra cash?? Well, I have found a way! I am a stay at home mom and though I would love to go out, get a job and start making my own money. I'd rather stay home and watch my daughter grow up. So anyway that I can make money from home I am all over it!  

 So I came across a site called Send Earnings. I have been a member since January 2015. There are tons of ways to make money on there. You can take surveys,play games, check emails,search the web, sign up for free trials, and so on. At first I didn't see what the big deal was. I just saw that there were a lot of emails in my inbox from them. Some I would check others I would delete. It wasnt until a few months ago that I realized that if you scrolled to the bottom of an email it had a red box that read CONFIRM PAID EMAIL and if you clicked on it you got paid! Just for confirming that you received the email! Wow, I was like all this time I've been deleting these emails and I could be getting paid just to click on a little red box?? So, I went through my email and clicked on every red box I could find! I slowly the money in my account begin to rise! 

So whats the deal with the emails? They send you emails. They will be offers,free trials, surveys, email subscriptions, etc. The top of the email will tell you how much each email is worth. The prices rage from .10 cents to $15 depending on what it is. If you decide not to do something it is totally up to what u choose and what u don't. If u don't want something just click on the confirm paid email before u delete that email. You can do all the free stuff and still earn a money.

I didn't get excited about this until my account balance reached $30 and I was able to request a payout! I let my earnings reach $40 and then I requested a payout. $40 in 4 months is not bad! I would have earned it faster if I knew how it worked sooner! So now I have a check for $40 coming in the mail and my account balance is already over $11. Getting my payout has now made me a Gold member which means I earn more money faster! I love this site! 

Sign up for free today to start earning


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