Aldi Little Journey's VoxBox

Aldi's Little Journey's VoxBox “I received my ALDI Little Journey products complimentary from Influenster and am entering the Brand Challenge for a chance to win a prize.” In my box I received.... 2 boxes of diapers 1 bottle of baby wash 2 containers of puffs snacks 1 pack of wipes 1 baby food puree I love this box. The best part is I was able to share them with my kids and they loved it! My 2 year old loved the puff snacks . I used the baby wash on both of my kids. I love how it was gentle on their skin and it smelled great!! The diapers and wipes were of good quality too. My box of goodies! My Girls with their snacks. My two year old after getting a bath with her new baby wash. **If you would like to get free products in the mail for review sign up using this link. Everything is completely FREE!!** Review products for FREE